Main Benefit

What your company does and how it solves the problem

Use two sentences to explain how your product / service / business creates the value in your title.

Introduce your product or service

Explain why it’s valuable

Explain how it will create value

Refund policy or link to pricing tiers.


Time to leave the city?

More families than ever are choosing to relocate to find a more secure and sustainable home in a changing world.

Course lising

Social Unrest

As urban conflicts spill over into the suburbs, it’s a logical choice to look for a more secure location.

Support technician

Unstable Future

In the days of infrastructure failures, shortages, and other systemic disruptions, seek a more self-reliant lifestyle.

Course listing

Political Tensions

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vivamus adipiscing fermentum quam volutpat aliquam. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.


The problem and why it’s painful

Here you can critique the current solutions or what competitors are doing that are ineffectual/expensive/time-consuming.

Pain / Problem 1

A short description of this problem and why it’s painful. Maybe current solutions are expensive.


Users scan bullet points so use them to highlight key points


It’s hard to produce quality consistent design

Course listing

Pain / Problem 2

A short description of this problem and why it’s painful. Maybe current solutions are expensive.


Users scan bullet points so use them to highlight key points


Why this is bad or not optimal and is an example of a long sentence running onto two lines.

Course listing

There’s a better way to do it.

How your product / service / company can provide value and the results the others can’t. Explain briefly how your product helps people succeed.

Feature / Benefit

Explain how your product / service / company solves Problem 1. How does it work and why it’s better.

Feature / Benefit

Explain how your product / service / company solves Problem 2. How does it work and why it’s better.

Feature / Benefit

Explain how your product / service / company solves Problem 1 or 2. How does it work and why it’s better.
Course instructor profile

How it works and why it's better

Explain how your product / service / company solves the problem. How does it work and why it’s better.

Is it simple? So Simple Even Grandma can use it.


Is it technical? We built this for non-technical people.

Course lising

How it works and why it's better

Explain how your product / service / company solves the problem . How does it work and why it’s better.

Is it simple? So simple even grandma can use it.


Is it technical? We built this for non-technical people.

Course listing

How it works and why it's better

Explain how your product / service / company solves the problem. How does it work and why it’s better.

Is it simple? So simple even grandma can use it.


Is it technical? We built this for non-technical people.

Join thousands of happy customers

Read what a handful of happy customers are saying about your product.

Try to include testimonials that mention results or reinforce the value you are describing above. Use bold words to help draw attention to the benefit customers receive.
Jane Doe

Product Manager, Google

Try to include testimonials that mention results or reinforce the value you are describing above. Use bold words to help draw attention to the benefit customers receive.
Emily Grey


Try to include testimonials that mention results or reinforce the value you are describing above. Use bold words to help draw attention to the benefit customers receive.
Jane Doe

Product Manager, Google

Ready to start receiving benefits?

You’ll get all these features and benefits.

Refund policy or pricing tiers.

Reiterate the value they’re receiving

How it helps them succeed

Save time and money


How your product helps people succeed

Here you can summarise the top features and benefits and why they will solve the pain / problem.

Faster Processing

Explain the feature with succinct details. Outline how it helps people succeed.

Quality Support

Explain the feature with succinct details. Outline how it helps people succeed.

Easy Downloads

Explain the feature with succinct details. Outline how it helps people succeed.

Share to Instagram

Explain the feature with succinct details. Outline how it helps people succeed.

Video Tutorials

Explain the feature with succinct details. Outline how it helps people succeed.

Community Updates

Explain the feature with succinct details. Outline how it helps people succeed.

These forward thinking companies are succeeding

Use this sub-title to show how companies are using your product / service / business and getting results they want.


Try to quantify the results to reinforce results


You could also list number of customers here

Case study using your product

Case studies are excellent sections to include in landing pages because they provide real world examples and results. Try to include quantifiable numbers here and focus on the journey before and after using your product or service. 

They don’t have to be too long and you can even add more content as you develop your page later on.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam.


84% Increase in conversions

Frequently Asked Questions

Features and objections you want to mention that aren’t outlined in the sections above.

What if it's not right for me?

Your content goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the module Content settings. You can also style every aspect of this content in the module Design settings and even apply custom CSS to this text in the module Advanced settings.

Can I unsubscribe at any time?

Your content goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the module Content settings. You can also style every aspect of this content in the module Design settings and even apply custom CSS to this text in the module Advanced settings.

Do you offer any post purchase support?

Yep! Our content goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the module Content settings. You can also style every aspect of this content in the module Design settings and even apply custom CSS to this text in the module Advanced settings.

Can I use this on client projects?

Yep! Your content goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the module Content settings. You can also style every aspect of this content in the module Design settings and even apply custom CSS to this text in the module Advanced settings.

A note from the CEO / Founder / Human Being

People buy from people so include a short story on the origin of your product / service / business and why you believe in your solution / team / offering.

You can include a short biography or more background on why you’re an expert in your space. This adds tons of credibility.

Include some numbers here to reiterate the value you’re offering or a happy ending to make customers feel warm and fuzzy.

Jane Doe

CEO, Landing Pages

Ready to start succeeding?

A succinct statement to start getting results.

Reiterate the value they’re receiving

How it helps them succeed

Save time and money

Refund policy or link to pricing tiers.